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Around once a month, we send an email newsletter to anyone who would like to receive it, letting them know what's new on MyYate - new competitions, new events, and new things to see and do.

The latest newsletter is below, but if you'd like to have your own copy e-mailed to you, just sign up here!

Hi Everyone,

Be royally entertained this May: start by entering our new competition for the chance to indulge in afternoon tea at a majestic castle hotel.

Do you have blue blood? Find out at Yate Heritage Centre's free family history day - and admire the work of talented local artists while you're there.

Ease into the outdoors with a gentle bike ride and stock up your borders at a charity plant sale.

Let the "Good Times" roll at Yate Town Football Club's Festival Stage - starting with a full length McFly show, ending with an all-star comedy gala, and just for the kids: Andy and the Odd Socks.

The beach is back at Yate Shopping Centre, with a bonanza of activities including a Safari Day and a Beach Party.

Finally, walk in the footsteps of royalty at Acton Court, which reopens for self guided tours this month - don't miss the exhibition of Tudor Court Dress and put your questions to Lady Samantha.

Find more majestic May events in our events calendar and let us know what you'd like to share with others!

Best wishes,


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